Nihilism and Misanthropy Unleashed: The 764 Network and No Lives Matter's NEW Ideological Manifesto and the Hässelby Attack

Nihilism and Misanthropy Unleashed: The 764 Network and No Lives Matter's NEW Ideological Manifesto and the Hässelby Attack

In todays posts I will be covering some recent news related to the 764 network and Com:

  1. On September 13th, 764 and No Lives Matter released an ideological manifesto titled "NLMx764 - Classified." The document provides information about the two apparent leaders of 764 and NLM, as well as three additional members. It also provides instructions on how to carry out attacks and how NLM and 764 are guided by nihilism and misanthropy.
  2. One of the members on the official "roster" found in the ideological manifesto was arrested on September 13, in Hässelby, Sweden, for attempted murder when the 14-year-old stabbed an 80-year-old man in the back. The attempted murder is linked to another attempted murder of a woman in her 50s in July 2024.

CLASSIFIED: A No Lives Matter and 764 Ideological Manifesto

On September 13, 2024, a Telegram channel identifying itself with No Lives Matter and 764 released an ideological manifesto titled "NLM x 764 - Classified," which was accompanied by a 32-second video titled "A New Era of Evil."

The document identifies the two leaders of the group, S1n NLM and Trippy 764, along with three other individuals: Fail 764, War 764, and Slain 764 (the roster refers to vetted members who can use NLM or 764 in their username). The document also contains links to Telegram channels associated with this network. To note, this is the same network connected to Michail Chkhikvishvili, also known as "Commander Butcher," who was arrested in July for a foiled terrorist attack. This ideological manifesto borrows heavily from instructional and ideological material created by Commander Butcher and MKY, as well as extensively using the aesthetics and symbols of the Order of Nine Angles.

The document contains the ideological framework of 764/NLM, which is grounded in nihilism and misanthropy. What this means is that the minors involved in this network believe that life is nothing. Nihilism, as an ideology of nothing, means that the beliefs we have, or think we have, are equivalent to nothing. As they clearly state in the name of their group, "no lives matter." While the majority of society believes that life is meaningful, their nihilistic worldview seeks to counter this. They state in their document that their goal is to bring in an era of evil where no race, no gender, and no age is safe from their violent actions. Nihilism guides them ideologically, but misanthropy dictates the targets of the violent actions they intend to carry out. They define misanthropy in their manifesto as:

"It’s a hatred for humankind that isn't understood by the average human. To truly understand what it is, you must study humans, the way they speak, and the way they act. [...] There are only two types of species in this world: predators and prey, master and slave. Human beings are not at the top of the food chain. The vampiric predator is a predator that serves only one role: to rule, while his prey's destiny is to serve. [...] The vampire recognizes who and what he is: a predator of man, the true predator, a sadist, finding great pleasure in his work."

What this excerpt highlights is that they hate humankind. S1n (the username of one of the leaders) regularly refers to "people hate" in their posts. This hatred for human beings dictates the actions guided by their nihilistic ideology. What is also interesting is their use of "vampiric predator" and "vampire." This ideological trope is borrowed from texts of the Order of Nine Angles and The Black Order. However, NLM/764 does not use O9A material ideologically but borrows it for the aesthetic benefits it offers their group, particularly material from Temple ov Blood. NLM members have never struggled ideologically with or likely read O9A material. Rather, O9A, as a cultural phenomenon in terrorist and violent extremist spaces, is the most obscene. In the manifesto itself, when defining misanthropy, there is an NLM logo overlaid with O9A and Temple of Blood imagery.

Following their ideological framing, the manifesto contains a call to action to "hunt their prey." This is borrowed from a Maniacs Murder Cult instructional attacker document on how to carry out a manhunt. A manhunt is exactly what it sounds like: a threat actor selects a target, follows them, and attacks from behind.

They also talk about their goals in this document. Now, when discussing violent extremism and terrorism, there tends to be an end goal or objective that the violence is supposed to manifest. However, this is not the case with 764 and NLM. They state in their document that:

"The goal of 764 is the purification of all living things through endless attacks committed by the cult. World domination will be achieved by any means necessary. We won't stop until our goal is completed and all life forms are eliminated. Only 764 will remain."

Their objective is pure violence, not only for the sake of violence but also for internet clout. There is no political goal, no hidden agenda—they simply hate the world and everyone in it and want to commit acts of violence.

The document also contains instructions on how to prepare oneself prior to carrying out an attack to avoid detection and leaving behind any identifiable evidence. The document contains instructions on how to carry out the type of criminal activities that are expected of a member of No Lives Matter or 764. They specifically explain how to carry out a manhunt, how to groom girls online, how to extort/doxx, and where are situated the best places to stab someone to kill them. On the same day that this ideological manifesto was published, on September 13, 2024, a member of No Lives Matter who went by Slain764 allegedly attempted to murder an 80-year-old man in Hässelby, Sweden.

The Hässelby Attack

The 80-year-old man is in the hospital recovering after being stabbed several times by a 14-year-old boy. According to Swedish media, the attack left the victim with a punctured lung and severe emotional trauma. The minor, armed with a knife, struck the victim from behind as he was walking home from visiting his wife at a care facility. Swedish media reports that the attack, which was filmed and shared online, is linked to "No Lives Matter" (NLM) and 764. I have confirmed that members in Telegram chats and channels associated with NLM and 764 have stated that the individual who carried out the attack was Slain764. As mentioned above, and described in their ideological manifesto, Slain764 is one of the official members in the new iteration of the NLM and 764 alliance. The group, inspired by Maniacs Murder Cult (MKY), advocates extreme violence against ordinary people, whom they refer to as "mundane" or "worldly," for the sake of online notoriety. The attack is eerily similar to that carried out by Nino Luciano (Tobbz764), who killed a 74-year-old woman, believing she was either Jewish or Romanian. Two weeks before this murder, Tobbz had attempted to murder an 82-year-old man. During this attack, he pushed him down the stairs and cut him in the face and on the right wrist before fleeing the scene.

The com networks associated with 764 and NLM have become a concern for law enforcement as the FBI and RCMP have published public service announcements about these networks. They warned that these threat actors promoted violence, including advocating for mass murder and encouraging members to commit and film violent acts in search of online fame. Though most of my analysis of this network has been on the English and Cyrillic-speaking networks, it is important to note that Com is an international network, as demonstrated by violent crimes carried out in Sweden and Romania. Of note, the arrest of Slain764 highlights the transnational nature of the network, as he was the "founder" of the 764/NLM group based in Sweden, which was named Mordwaffen Division. ("Mord," being the Swedish word for murder, is a hat tip to the maniacs' culture popularized in Com by MKY and emulated by several new offshoots.)

The 14-year-old suspect has also been linked to another stabbing incident in July, when a woman in her 50s was stabbed in the back while opening the gate to her place of work in Hässelby. Authorities believe Slain764 had actively been recruiting others to join in these violent acts (evidence of with can be found in Com chats on Telegram), further displaying the reach of NLM's influence. His videos, including those of the attacks, have continued to circulate on social media despite his detention, raising concerns about how such violent ideologies spread in digital spaces.

In the grand scheme of things, the rise and spread of groups like 764 and No Lives Matter is just another tired chapter in the endless cycle of violence masquerading as ideology. Their manifesto, filled with recycled nihilistic tropes and misanthropic tropes stolen from O9A, is nothing new — what they have accomplished is repackaged them in a way that is attractive to their gen alpha peers. Their nihilistic acts of violence are cloaked in skibidi toilet memes and are performed for shock value, for likes, and for internet clout, these have become goals of these violent extremists. And yet, despite the flashy language and violent bravado, there's nothing revolutionary here. It’s the next generation of threat actors, feeding off the darkest corners of the internet and the brokenness of its followers, the harm and motivations adapted to their cultural and social realities.

In the end, it’s not about creating a "new era of evil" or achieving world domination. It’s about attention. These groups thrive on it, and the only thing more depressing than their existence is that, to get it they now attempt to murder people and record it to share with their friends, like the latest internet meme. For all their claims of being predators, they’re just scavengers, feeding off the chaos of a world and its most vulnerable citizens.